Current Bids/Proposals


Commercial Cleaning



The Midland County Road Commission is seeking bids for the cleaning of the Road Commission main offices and boardroom located at 2334 N. Meridian Rd, Sanford, Michigan. Work under this proposal includes, but is not limited to, items detailed in the bid form below, and may be adjusted for other inclusions as becomes necessary by mutual agreement between both parties.

**UPDATED** Bids will be received until 4:00 pm on Friday, December 13th, 2024.

Bids must be submitted by email to: bids@midlandroads.com with the subject line "Commercial Cleaning Bid".


Awards are expected to be made at the regular board meeting to be held Thursday, December 19th, 2024 at 9:00 am.

If you have any questions please contact: Donna Lowe, Finance Director, at (989) 687-9060 or email bids@midlandroads.com.



Past items are available in the BID RESULTS section


Bid Instructions

Bid Express - Online

As of Thursday, Dec. 27, 2018, Midland County Road Commission adopted Info Tech, Inc.'s Bid Express service as the online bidding system for MCRC materials and services.

Please follow the link below to create an account and/or view our BidExpress.com home page.


Bids are taken annually on items and services that the Road Commission frequently uses.  These items vary by year and bids are only welcomed once the invitation to bid is released publicly.

Bids are also taken throughout the year as needed for items, services, etc. that the Road Commission requires that are not included in the annual bids.

The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and any part of same; to waive irregularities in the bid procedure and to award, in the opinion of the Board, in the best interests of the Midland County Road Commission.

Mission Statement: It is our mission to provide safe and reliable roads and bridges for the traveling public using fiscal responsibility together with our expertise and innovation in planning, design, construction, and maintenance.


Need information? Call our office at (989) 687-9060

**Disclaimer:  All content is provided for informational use only and subject to change at anytime without notice.